We previously broke the news to our respected readers of a low-level bootrom exploit which would enable jailbreaking on iOS 4.1 and beyond with all versions of the iPod touch, iPhone and of course, iPad! This exploit was special in a way because Apple will not be able to patch the exploit with a software update, instead it will require Apple to release entirely revised hardware for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and we all know that we are at least 6 months away from any hardware revisions.
Word around the Twittersphere is that the exploit named SHAtter is in the bootrom section, together with Pwnage 2.0 and 24kpwn which will make all existing devices, including the new iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G pwned for life! It is obviously not publicly available yet, both the Chronic Dev Team and the iPhone Dev Team hackers are hard at work right now trying to get everything ready for full release. Unfortunately though, this jailbreak is reportedly said to be tethered i.e. you will be required to connect your iOS device to your computer on every reboot unlike how untethered userland jailbreak like JailbreakMe worked. iPhone hacker posixninja has confirmed that Geohot also had this exploit dubbed at that time as “pwned4life” before leaving the jailbreak scene.
We will of course let you know whenever these new jailbreak and unlock tools for iOS 4.1 are available for download. Stay tuned!
-- Post From My iPhone3g
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